Doctor Explains Why You Should NEVER Wash Your Chicken Before Cooking It

A doctor on TikTok has told people they need to ditch this common cooking habit for the sake of their health.

Dr Sam, who goes by @drsamuelgp on TikTok, has warned his followers they needed to stop washing their chicken before cooking it as it can increase their risk of contamination.

He noted that he is aware that many people’s parents would have done this and still do this.

For illustration purposes only.

Now, while you may have seen odd videos on social media of people doing the absolute most to ‘clean’ their chicken – perhaps in the hopes of removing bacteria – the doctor emphasized that simply using water was enough to cause an issue.

In the video, Dr Sam said: “Why you should stop washing your chicken. I am Dr Sam and this is medical adulting where you will learn interesting medical lessons to help you live your life better.

“Your dad or your mum probably washes chicken or even you, and while most people are not so extreme with their washing, washing with just water alone can be dangerous and unnecessary.

“A study found that people who wash their chicken in their sinks ended up contaminating their salads, and this happened because of several reasons.

For illustration purposes only.

“Washing chicken in the sink contaminates the sink, allowing the bacteria from the chicken to transfer to your fruits and vegetables.

“Two, water droplets that contain the bacteria can fly up to 80cm around the sink, meaning things around it can get contaminated.

“Three, most people don’t wash their hands for long enough.”

The TikToker then offered alternative options that people can do instead that are thought to be significantly safer.

Dr Sam continued: “You can pat dry with paper towels and throw them away.

“You can blanch chicken in boiling water and throw the water away.

“You shouldn’t worry about the bacteria because it will no longer be there once you cook your chicken to 75 degrees.

“So wash your hands, not your hen. Because it is not worth it to wing it and then get diarrhea so now you know.”

For illustration purposes only.

Despite being a trained medical professional, the doctor didn’t exactly get rousing support from his followers in the comments, with some claiming they would simply clean their sink after washing their chicken.

Don’t say he didn’t warn you…
